Welcome to the Beyond Family
Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace)
Digitalization, motor vehicles, aircraft, machinery, and more
Can you imagine a future without technology? No? Neither can we.
Technology has a significant impact on our lives today, and it will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. The technical sector plays a vital role both nationally and globally; to foster economic growth, there is a need for regional and international cooperation among companies. This means that translation and interpreting also play an important role in this industry.
Technical translations should be performed by experienced professionals, especially due to the cross-disciplinary nature of the sector. Translators working in this sector require an extensive vocabulary of technical terms, an understanding of technical processes, and an ability to keep up-to-date with the latest advancement in technology.
Our translation team consists of experienced professionals with extensive subject-specific expertise. We offer accurate and reliable technical translation and interpreting services in Russian, German, and English, earning your trust each time.
Examples from our portfolio:
- Operating instructions
- Technical documents
- Manuals
- Assembly and maintenance instructions
- Product descriptions
- Contracts
- Correspondence
- Brochures
- Operating procedures
We are committed to the future
The energy sector is the driving force of tomorrow and plays an essential role both domestically and abroad. Numerous companies and businesses operate within this sector. The general public also relies on energy in their daily lives.
Translation and interpreting in this field is diverse and occurs across various subsectors, including the oil and gas industry. Clients in this sector expect loyalty, trustworthiness, and accuracy from their translators.
Our translation service that specializes in industry-specific translations and interpreting, is the perfect solution to meet these expectations. Professionals with extensive experience are available to assist you, handing your content with the utmost care. We provide accurate and tailored technical translations and/or interpretations in Russian, German, and English.
Examples from our portfolio:
- Technical reports
- Operating instructions
- Presentations
- Website texts
- Professional articles
- Press releases
- Correspondence
Economy (Finance, Banking, Marketing)
Numbers, words, and precision: the be-all and end-all in the business sector
When translating or interpreting for the marketing and financial sector, compact thinking and accuracy are paramount. Even the slightest error in a translation can cause major damage to the reputation of a business or a financial institution.
The business world demands trustworthy translators and interpreters. Investors, lenders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders depend on open and reliable communication with the translator and/or interpreter. Confidentiality of documents is an absolute must in this industry.
Our team of professionals includes authorized and sworn translators and interpreters of Russian, German, and English. We build bridges between numbers, languages, and cultures. We take data protection seriously, because reliability, loyalty, and trustworthiness are our hallmarks. You can expect open and respectful communication.
Examples from our portfolio:
- Contracts
- Balance sheets
- Financial statements
- Quarterly reports
- Whitepapers
- Claims notifications
- Newsletters
Law (Commercial and Corporate Law, Tax Law, Insolvency Law, Traffic Law)
Law? We are pros!
Translation of legal documents requires not only linguistic accuracy and precise wording, but also extensive legal expertise. The contents of such documents are sensitive, and even a slightest error can have serious consequences.
It is crucial to treat legal documents with utmost care when translating into or from foreign languages, since they contain personal information. Maintaining confidentiality of information is paramount.
Our agency offers top-notch legal translation services. Translations are performed by professionals with years of industry experience, extensive legal expertise, and excellent command of Russian, German, and English. You can trust us to deliver reliable and precise translations for various official purposes and beyond.
Examples from our portfolio:
- Contracts
- Patents
- Expert opinions
- Indictments
- Judgments
- Legal correspondence
- General terms and conditions
- Reminders
- Powers of Attorney
Society (International Relations, Humanities)
Diversity at its finest
Our society is diverse and vibrant, multicultural and multilingual. In this field, having a broad vocabulary is rather secondary for accurate translations. Rather, it is about extensive knowledge of cultures and people.
Such knowledge is an essential component of translation and interpretation assignments in this sector. It is the only way to achieve accuracy and exceptional results. Developing such knowledge not only helps avoid errors but also contributes to building robust and lasting relationships with clients.
These are exactly the diverse, vibrant, and multicultural language services we offer! Our extensive experience, multicultural knowledge, and excellent fluency in English, German, and Russian enable us to provide well-written translations and reliable and accurate interpretation for any event.
Examples from our portfolio:
- Non-fiction
- Articles
- Party programs
- Contracts
- Minutes
- Certificates
Quality-conscious translation services: sample translations for your confidence
We provide translated text samples upon request to offer flexibility to our clients. These samples provide insight into our translation quality and accuracy, allowing you to make informed decisions before using our services. We recognize the importance of having confidence in translation services, so we are delighted to provide you representative samples that showcase our expertise.
This approach demonstrates our steadfast commitment to transparent communication and ensuring customer satisfaction, while simultaneously upholding your expectations for accuracy and clarity in translation.